Video 4 - Diving Deeper Into Coaching

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The Ultimate Blueprint For Sports Coaches To Get Your Players More Motivated, Confident, Focussed And Playing To Their Potential More Consistently

Develop mental toughness in your players using simple & proven methods used by top level coaches, to help teams perform under pressure, win more games which leaves you feeling more fulfilled

Have you ever had a player in your team that:

a) seems to possess all the skills and talent but hides away in big game or trials?

b) has a lot of potential but lacks motivation, confidence or focus?

c) let's their emotions influence their game negatively or lacks consistency?

No matter how much you prepare the athlete in training, as soon as game time comes, everything disappears! Then there's always that consistent and reliable player that delivers time and time again.

It was only when I experienced a breakthrough myself when I realised that: It's not about players having it or not having it... You can teach players how to do this!

Can Mindset Be Trained?

Absolutely! I am living proof...

I believe one of the main reasons that I didn't make my national team as a junior at u18 level was not because I wasn't good enough, it was because I lacked BMT (big match temperament) and I often let my emotions of frustration affect me. I would yell at my players, be hard on myself when I made mistakes and get wound up by bad umpiring decisions.

When I was given another opportunity to play hockey for my country 7 years later, I did everything I could to get into the national team and the biggest difference this time was my mindset. That is because I trained my mindset and conditioned my brain to achieve what I wanted and even managed to score an important goal 4 minutes from the end of the game on my debut. I knew that I was going to score because I planned it.

As a coach perhaps you have prepared your players with skills based training, explained the tactical strategy and worked on their physical fitness. But when it comes to game time I am sure you will agree with me how agonising it is to watch your players crumble under pressure and make forced errors that they don't normally make in training. And you feel powerless on the sideline!

The critical coaching skills that you're missing...

Is how to effectively develop mental toughness in your players and teams.

But it’s not your fault. You’ve gone to school, taken coaching courses, but no-one has ever taught you how to impact an athlete's mindset.

Some coaches believe that building mental toughness consists of doing fitness to "kill" players, not giving any water breaks or yelling and screaming at them until they break.

But that is the old school approach to training and there are much better and healthier ways to get the result you want instead of the outdated tough-guy coaching style.

Introducing The Beyond Skills Coaching Program

A modern way of coaching to create champion mindsets in sport

Instead of just having loads of information and getting overwhelmed, there is a step-by-step process that I follow. There are a few key things which you have to put in place first and you have to approach the topic with athletes carefully or they may become defensive and shut you off completely.

Here is an outline of the some of the important steps I take when I work with athletes: 

  • Figure out which type of athlete they are
  • Show them what's possible by connecting on their level
  • Get them motivated & committed
  • Teach them how to build their confidence
  • Identify & overcome fears
  • Teach them how to manage their emotions (i.e. pressure/frustration)
  • Teach them how to stay focussed & overcome setbacks

Every player has the potential to "BE THE TEAM'S HERO"

Every player wants it... but you have to help them unlock it!

Often the best players to have in your team are the one's that tend to buckle under the pressure, because it often means more to them than the players who naturally "pull it off"

Once you know how to help your athletes with this, you will start to get better results because your players will start performing in the big games. What happens when you get results as a coach? You start to get attention and opportunities.

If you want to go further in your coaching to help more people or to coach at a higher level, this can definitely give you an edge over the majority of coaches.

Before working with Lauren my confidence was so bad and I didn't think anyone could help me. Without Lauren I absolutely 100% would not be playing to the standard I am at now. Learning to control my emotions and handle pressure has resulted in me performing more consistently.

Lauren Piper Lauren Piper

Who Is Your Coach?

With various qualifications in sports performance from sports coaching, life coaching, psychology, mentoring, several fitness certifications, nutrition as well as representing her country in two sports (senior field hockey international and captain of u19 women's national cricket team), Lauren Penny has extensive knowledge and experience in understanding what it takes to reach goals. She specialises in inspiring and empowering sports people and coaches to reach higher levels than what they believe they can achieve. Now she wants to help YOU!

Just A Few People That Lauren Has Impacted...

Jordan Homann, 14 years old, England

Lauren has helped me to improve my mental toughness and confidence which has helped my game massively. It was so inspiring talking to an international player who has been there and done it and she has always understood all my worries and struggles and gave me great advice. I would recommend this to anyone looking to improve.

Jordan Homann, 14 years old, England
Ellie Rayer, England u18 Player

Lauren has been massively helpful, she has helped me improved my game and my confidence has soared! Working with Lauren is the answer to anyone who wants to take their game to the next level.

Ellie Rayer, England u18 Player
Bruno Sousa, Brazil National Hockey Player

Working with Lauren has helped me to play better, my thinking is more positive and I know exactly how to prepare for games and get into the zone. Without Lauren I would not be playing to my potential.

Bruno Sousa, Brazil National Hockey Player
Andrea Leader, South Africa

I had struggled with my mental approach for quite a number of years, despite credit and positive comments that I get from people. This is something that can help anyone of any standard or any age to improve themselves in sport and life.

Andrea Leader, South Africa
Cameron Ley, 15 years

It is really hard to describe how great the experience was and how much I have benefitted from working with Lauren. She is fantastic and I have made big improvements in my game. All of the modules are excellently put together and are so useful, one of the best things, in my opinion, is that you get access to the content for life, meaning that you can always go back and look over stuff when you need to. I knew that the aspects covered in the modules would help to improve, I just never knew how to work on these aspects, but the modules show you exactly what to do to improve and why it helps.

Cameron Ley, 15 years
Jamie MacDonald, 20 years

When I started working with Lauren I had started my season poorly and to show how effective this was I accomplished my target of becoming player of the season within my team. Without Lauren I’m positive that this wouldn’t have been achievable and I’m overjoyed with what I’ve experienced. I have a new confidence in myself not only on the pitch but also outside of hockey in the working world. I can’t recommend learning these skills enough.

Jamie MacDonald, 20 years

Richard Goodwin, New Zealand

Shen Dedic, Player & Coach, England

How Does The 8 Week Beyond Skills Coaching Course Work?

The course is broken down into 8 easy-to-digest modules which are presented by video training. Each week focusses on one module (in order) and you can watch the videos when it suits you from anywhere in the world. It doesn't matter if you get behind but we send you reminder emails to keep you on track and progressing.

What You Will Learn On This Course:

Module 1: Coaching Principles

  • The art of coaching
  • Light up your own fire first
  • 7 core coaching skills you MUST develop
  • Using a coaches most important tool
  • Developing your coaching philosophy
  • Working with different levels of ability
  • 10 most common coaching mistakes
  • Talent identification: What to look for in players

Module 2: Build a Winning Team

  • Addressing the importance of mindset
  • Building a winning team culture
  • Using Metaprograms
  • EQ: The MUST have coaching ingredient
  • Develop your leadership skills
  • Creating a positive team environment
  • Improve Decision Making
  • Team Building Exercises

Module 3: Connect with Effective Communication

  • The importance of body language
  • Using the right words & tonality
  • The art of rapport building
  • The key is in powerful questions
  • The rules of giving feedback
  • Using stories & metaphors
  • What you can learn from deep levels of listening
  • Intuition & knowing when to trust your instinct

Module 4: Get Players Motivated & Focussed

  • Increasing players commitment to train on their own
  • How to motivate different types of players
  • Personality types within a team
  • Keeping players engaged
  • Giving effective team talks
  • Effective goal setting for increasing motivation
  • Keeping players focussed

Module 5: Build Unstoppable Confidence

  • The mindset of most players & how they think
  • Breaking limiting beliefs
  • Removing barriers that hold players back
  • Increase self-awareness & self-esteem
  • Self-talk & Reframing
  • How we can use the brain effectively for sport
  • Connecting to the powerful subconsious
  • Effective ways to help players with low confidence

Module 6: Overcome Fear of Failure

  • Common Fears that hold us back
  • Where does fear of failure come from?
  • Types of fear
  • Why players hide in big games or under pressure
  • Help players to overcome the fear of failure
  • Identifying & managing high expectations
  • Help players to stop overthinking
  • Dealing with common excuses that players make

Module 7: Managing Emotions (i.e. Frustration)

  • Dealing with frustrated players
  • How to deal with players that get become angry & aggressive
  • Coping with pre-game nerves & anxiety
  • Get players into the zone to reach flow state
  • Staying in the present moment
  • Changing emotional states & recognising patterns
  • Managing players with high levels of emotion

Module 8: Overcoming Challenges & Setbacks

  • Managing egos, negativity or moods within a team
  • Handling difficult parents
  • Develop resiliency in players to deal with setbacks
  • Helping players overcome injury
  • Avoiding burnout
  • Dealing with poor sportsmanship
  • Conflict resolution in a team

What The Course Includes:

  • Unlimited lifetime access to all 8 video training modules
  • Access to private members group to interact & network with like minded coaches
  • Opportunity to join monthly mastermind group with top level coaches
  • E-certificate upon completion

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Most people have had influential people or coaches who have inspired us and guided us along our journey...

Do you want to be that coach?

This course can help you achieve that by teaching you some of the most fundamental skills, tools and knowledge which will help you to get more out of your players and team. It will take your team and athletes beyond the "average" skills and fitness training that most people do.

Create a huge impact and give people the skills and confidence that they deserve!

- Are you ready to be the coach that is known to inspire and motivate players to become their best?

- Do you want more confident and consistent players in your teams so that your team wins more games?

- Want to become that coach that every team and player wants to play for?

OK! Here's Your Chance...

This is a limited opportunity to interact directly with myself and like minded coaches and be a part of the Beyond Skills Coaching Program. I am only looking for a handful of coaches to work with who would like to be a part of creating a new BIG impact in sport. My aim is to make sure that I have answered all your questions by the end of the course. 

This is limited to numbers and is time sensitive so you don't have long to "think about it" so if you are ready to get started then click the button below and let's get going...


Normal Price $499 

Now For Just $297  (approx £210)

reserve your spot

(Spaces limited)


What age of players does this apply to?

This program is suitable for coaches, parents or players of any age. I would particularly recommend it to those who coach players over the age of about 10 years (depending on maturity). I have worked with athletes as young as 7 years but the majority of kids under 10 tend to lack concentration and often need additional help comprehending some of the idea's. It has also worked on players up to the age of 55 years (and I am sure older would also work).

What standard of players is this for?

This is for any level of player from beginner to elite. There are no requirements, anyone can see results if they apply these methods.

Does it matter what sport I coach?

No, all the principles in this program apply to all sports. In fact, they translate into life too.

What if it doesn't work?

We guarantee that if you apply everything you learn then it will work. It is proven to work over and over again. You may need to allow some time to put some of the training into practice, but you can keep going back to review the training resources at a later stage.

What about after the 8 week program? 

After joining the program we offer members to the opportunity to join our insiders monthly mastermind group, giving you the opportunity to stay up to date with the latest coaching strategies, discuss and interact with like minded coaches and ask any questions.

If you have any other questions you can email: