Tired Of Under Performing?

Develop A Confident Mindset, Become Hockey Fit and Make Better Decisions On The Hockey Field So That You Play Your Best More Consistently & Get Selected Into Top Teams

What Does This Exclusive December Offer Include?

  • Unlimited lifetime access to over 12 hours of indepth & interactive video training modules
  • 3 x monthly private coaching calls with me (via skype or facetime)
  • Exclusive access to our private members only FB Group

Want To Play Your Best & Feel Great More Often?

  • Do you get frustrated with things that affect your game, maybe the way that you're playing or not getting pitch time, perhaps you lack consistency or not getting past players like you wish to and you're doubting your ability? Maybe you feel as though you are being overlooked by team mates, coaches and selectors and it gets you down.
  • Have you ever felt like it’s a struggle to take your game the next level even though you have tried everything you could lay your hands on that seem to produce little to no result?
  • Do you wish to take your all round game to the next level, become the player that you know you could be, that player everyone wants on their team and that coaches talk about for all the right reasons?

If any of these things sound familiar it just means that you have got more to give and that you've got some hidden talent within you that's just waiting to be unleashed... 

Who Am I And How Can I Help You?

My name is Lauren Penny. I am an ex-International Hockey Player and Performance Coach. I’m one of very few people that have reached the top level in hockey as well as being a successful performance coach.

I have helped many sports people of all ages and levels to become the best that they can be, helping them to remove the mental and physical barriers that will often get in the way. Whatever your goal, just follow my proven plan and you will see the results for yourself!

This is me playing for South Africa in the Olympic Games qualifying tournament in India

Here I am running a workshop to inspire young sports people, teaching them how to improve their mindset to be more confident and reach their goals.

A Combination Of Knowledge, Experience & Results...

As a qualified Fitness Expert, Performance Coach (with over 10 years experience) and a Sports Mental Game Coach which includes qualifications in NLP, Psychology & Life Coaching, I specialise in particular with helping hockey players with the mental and physical parts of their game, an area that most coaches and players either neglect or mis-understand.

My passion is helping hockey players to break their limiting beliefs of what they believe is possible and getting them prepared for success. This preparation is VITAL to becoming the best that you can be!

I understand that each person has different needs and that is why I have included 3 coaching calls as this is a very important part of the process.

With the combination of my knowledge and experience, I specialise in getting results...

Here's Some Proof Of Just a Few People I Have Helped...

Jordan Homann

The HPA has helped me hugely over the past few months. I have improved my mental toughness which was the weakest part of my game. I have improved my confidence which has helped me to play better.

Not only has it improved my mental game, but it has also helped my fitness levels too. It is very difficult to get the right kind of fitness but the modules are great as they are hockey specific. Overall the program has massively improved my game and I would recommend this to anyone looking to improve their game.

Jordan Homann 13 years, England
Cameron Ley

It is really hard to describe how great the experience was and how much I have benefitted from the HPA. Lauren explore’s so many different aspects that you’d never even think about before, and all of these have made big improvements in my game. Lauren is fantastic! She’s always there for you if you need anything and gives detailed analysis to help you improve.

All of the modules are excellently put together and are so useful. I have improved my vision, confidence and mental toughness. Also, I knew that I need to do pre-season fitness, but I never knew what exercises to do and how to structure the workouts. I also feel that I now have a much greater understanding of what foods I should be consuming and when.

Cameron Ley 16 years, England
Lauren Piper

If Lauren hadn’t have helped me I absolutely 100% would not be playing to the standard that I am now. I have learn’t how to control my emotions during trials and matches and I can handle my nerves and constructive criticism so much better than before.

Before joining the HPA I was afraid of taking on challenges and would hide away. However, Lauren has pulled me out of my comfort zone and I have tried many new things and taken on challenges with open arms. My standard of hockey has changed immensely and I am also so fast now that my opponents cannot catch me.

Lauren Piper
Ellie Rayer

The HPA training has been massively helpful! It has been amazing in helping me to improve the mental side of my game – maintaining a positive attitude, getting into the right state and the ideal preparation to perform to my true potential.

The program has improved my game and my confidence has soared. All the fitness modules have been very informative and provide fantastic exercises for hockey. This is the answer for anyone looking to improve their game and take it to the next level.

Ellie Rayer England u18 Player
Andrea Leader

Over the past few years my level of hockey was pretty much the same standard and personally, I didn’t know there was a lot more I needed to know about playing hockey. I had been struggling with my mental approach for a number of years. Despite positive comments I got from people I seem to not soak it in when I play for higher teams.

Everything a hockey player could ask for is included in this program and covers every aspect, even nutrition. The HPA can help anyone at any standard or age to improve.

Andrea Leader South Africa

What You Will Learn On The Program

The program is divided into 3 major sections:

Section 1 - Master The Mental Game (Modules 1-4)

The biggest difference between the good players and the great players is what happens in the brain. This part of the course will help you re-train your brain and teach you how to be more confident and positive, how to cope with anxiety, pressure and frustration and will help you to stop worrying about mistakes and the fear of failure. You will learn many tools and strategies which will help get you playing your ideal game consistently which will get you selected into teams.

Some things you will learn include: 

  • The #1 secret for ongoing MOTIVATION
  • My formula for building CONFIDENCE & staying FOCUSSED
  • Overcome the FEAR of making mistakes & worrying what others think
  • Let go of EMOTIONS like frustration & anger that get in the way
  • Manage high expectations, PRESSURE, nerves & anxiety
  • How to prepare for games and "GET INTO THE ZONE"

Section 2 - Get Fit For Hockey (Module 5-8)

Field Hockey has become a fast game, so if you want to make the most of your potential then you have to be working on and maximising your strength, power, speed, agility and overall fitness levels. Hockey often requires using maximum effort and players are producing more powerful passes and shots so if you are not training this then you will be left behind. You don't want to be one of those players who gets tired before the 70 minutes ends and your team lose because you made a mistake from fatigue. More importantly, you need to do this using a structured format that is proven to work or you may risk injury.

Some things you will learn include: 

  • How to get FITTER without going for long runs (plus personalised fitness plan)
  • Develop lightning quick SPEED and beat players for pace
  • Build STRENGTH & CORE STABILITY so that you're never knocked off the ball
  • Become more EXPLOSIVE and AGILE so you always win those 50/50 balls
  • Develop more POWER in your passes, shots & dragflicks
  • How to look after your body and PREVENT INJURIES

Section 3- Develop Better Decision Making (Modules 9-12)

Decisions are made in split seconds during games and they should happen in the automatic part of the brain. But I bet you didn't know that you can improve your decision making with specific training. Did you know that nutrition not only affects our energy levels but also decision making. Did you also know that you can improve your vision by training your eyes, we include training on this, from peripheral awareness, spacial awareness, hand/eye co-ordination, depth perception, eye tracking, etc. We also include training on understanding tactics and improving hockey skills which will help you to understand which skills to focus on and how to use the correct techniques.

Some things you will learn include: 

  • WHAT you need to eat, WHEN and HOW MUCH (personalised for you)
  • Nutritional CHEATSHEETS for optimum energy levels
  • How to improve your VISION on the field
  • Gain confidence by understanding TACTICAL STRATEGIES
  • Improve your HOCKEY SKILLS in less time

Get over 12 hours of video training PLUS 3 private coaching sessions with me...

I'm sure you can’t wait to lay your hands on this training which could quite possibly be the difference between being a mediocre player and the most valuable player in your team.

Imagine just 12 weeks from now, you are finally the player nobody believed you could be, you have finally taken your game to the next level to the envy of those people who never gave you a chance before all because you finally took that step...

Total Package Value = $744

Limited Offer Available For Just

$449 / £297

reserve your spot

Why This Offer Is ONLY Available Until 6th December 2015

I have never offered this particular variation of the program before and I am unlikely to offer it again. We normally only offer the online version or the Mentorship Program (which includes 12 weekly sessions).

I have only made this particular program available leading into December so that you can prepare to start the new year fresh. Therefore it is only available to purchase up until 6th December.

Please also bear in mind that because it involves my personal time, it means that I only have limited availability. 

So you need to take action now if you want to secure your spot on this limited offer!

Plus I Am Offering A 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

Because I am so sure that the training inside Hockey Performance Academy will not only take your game to the level, but will also make you a better person full of confidence, I am letting you have full access to Hockey Performance Academy for a whole 30 days, to check out the training modules.

I am so confident that nothing else can give you this kind of an advantage, that as long as you follow everything I teach 100% (by completing the action steps) then I am willing to offer a 30 day money back guarantee to anyone who is not happy with the program. Just send me an email and I will refund your money.

Imagine This For A Minute...

In 12 weeks from now; you finally take your game to the next level, become the player that you and your family are proud of and the player that every coach and team mate wants on their team.

What would you be willing to pay to finally get the results you have been hoping for? To walk off the field feeling fitter and faster than ever, full of confidence and control, knowing that you have played your best and reached your goals.

The BIG questions is: Are you going to take advantage of this limited opportunity?

reserve your spot