Finally A Step-by-Step System Showing You Exactly How To Get Fit For Hockey, Improve Your Hockey Skills, Get 20-30% Faster & Develop Rock Solid Confidence So That You Perform More Consistently & Get Selected Into Higher Teams
Don't want any regrets? Be mentored by a former International Hockey Player & Performance Coach to learn how to reach your potential. All you need is 2 hours per week.
Do You Ever:
- Question if you're good enough or worry about letting your team down?
- Feel like you're not playing as well as you could and not sure how to unlock your potential?
- Have a desire to get fitter or faster so you keep bursting past players with ease?
- Get frustrated with umpires, team mates or let your emotions affect your game?
- Compare yourself to others or dwell on your past mistakes?
- Feel like you get overlooked by team mates, coaches or selectors?
- Wonder what you should be eating, how to recovery properly or reduce your risk of injury?
If you answered yes to any of these questions (regardless of your age or level) then it's important that you take action by clicking the button below to get started because I have the perfect solution for you...
Who Am I And How Can I Help You?
My name is Lauren Penny. I am a former International Hockey Player and Performance Coach. I'm one of very few people that have not only reached the top level in hockey but also help players around the world reach their goals.
I help hockey players get noticed by teaching them how to be more confident, deal with pressure, overcome the fear of failure, handle frustration and how to become fitter, faster, stronger and more powerful for hockey, while also reducing your risk of injury.
Here are some pics of some of my international hockey memories, from scoring on my debut to the 2012 Olympic Games.

Here I am as a Performance Coach mentoring others

Here are just a few examples of these features

But don't just take my word for it...
Here's what others are saying:
Working with Lauren and going through the training has been amazing and massively helpful. It has helped me improve the mental side of my game, being able to maintain a positive attitude throughout a match, control my emotions and understand how to prepare to get into the right mental state to perform to my true potential.
It has improved my game so much and my confidence has soared! This is the answer for anyone who wants to improve their game and take it to the next level.
Ellie Rayer England u21 Player
It’s really hard to describe how great the experience of working with Lauren is and how much I have benefitted from the program. There are so many different aspects that are explored that that you’d never even think about before, and all of these have made big improvements in my game.
Lauren is fantastic! She is always there for you if you need anything and gives detailed analysis to help you improve. The weekly skype sessions are really useful as you get opinions of a national standard player who knows exactly what you’re going through and can therefore help you to improve.
I have learnt many tweaks to my skills that make a big difference as well as what to eat, which fitness exercises to do and how to structure them. All the modules are excellently put together and are so useful. My vision, confidence and mental toughness have improved so much since doing the program.
Cameron Ley 15 years
I wanted to thank you for your help with Macy. First, she made the squad for her club championship team and this past weekend she attended the US National team tryouts. Macy’s confidence and focus were off the charts. I have never seen her play like that!!
I am so proud of her because she was handing it to college players! It was amazing to watch. You have helped her confidence in so many ways, thank you Lauren! Her confidence meter is full and she is back and unstoppable! She couldn’t have done this without you and what you have taught her.
Jennifer Szukics Parent of 11 year old, USA
Working with Lauren has helped me to play better, my thinking is more positive and I now know exactly how to prepare for games and get into the zone. Lauren has helped improve my confidence when I needed it most and is exactly what I needed as preparation for the Olympic Games.
Bruno Sousa Brazilian Senior International Player

Success Story Interviews
How Ellie Achieved Her Dream Of Playing For Great Britain
In this interview, Ellie Rayer shares her success and a few challenges she faced on her journey to becoming an international hockey player and what separated her from the other girls with similar dreams that missed out.
How Rachel Went From Club Player To Masters International in Just 12 Months
In this interview, Rachel Collier shares some of the key things that helped her to achieve her childhood goal of representing her country by playing in the Masters World Cup just 12 months after starting up again after a 20 year break from hockey.
How Bruno Went From Doubting Himself To Qualifying For The Olympic Games
In this interview, Bruno Sousa from Brazil shares what he learnt on his journey to qualifying for the Rio Olympics and how to overcome self doubt and low confidence.
How Cameron Overcame Low Confidence In Hockey
In this interview, Cameron Ley shares his story, what he has learnt over the last few years and how he overcame low levels of confidence.
Follow a step by step program teaching you:
- What you MUST do BEFORE you can take your game to a higher level
- The formula I use for getting into the zone for more consistent performances
- 3 simple things to focus on when selectors are watching
- The right footwork techniques & drills to be a step ahead of everyone else on the pitch
- How to develop power so you are always first to the ball & hit harder than anyone else
- What to look at in games which will help improve your decision making
- A simple mind exercise that leaves you feeling full of energy and optimism
What we will cover in the Mentorship Program?

- Why talent alone doesn't guarantee success
- Getting out of your comfort zone
- Creating your vision
- Mapping it out
- Be inspired
- Do the work!

- How to get mentally tougher
- Unlocking your power brain
- Identifying your role
- Types of mindsets
- Breaking through limiting beliefs
- Finding your deep motivation

- Changing your self talk and body language
- How to believe in yourself
- Using affirmations
- Effective visualisation
- 3 steps to being more confident
- Creating positive expectations through guided visualisation audio

- Dealing with frustration
- Handling nerves, pressure and anxiety
- Getting into the zone
- Staying focussed and managing expectations
- Overcoming mistakes, setbacks & disappointment
- Pre-game guided visualisation audio

- Assess to progress
- Mobility & activation exercises
- Effective warmups & warm down stretches
- Monitoring heart rate & intensity
- Pre-season prepration
- Phase 1 strength endurance circuit

- Guidelines for improving strength
- Guidelines for improving power
- Equipment recomendations
- Phase 2 Strength workouts (4 weeks)
- Phase 3 Power workouts (4 weeks)
- Using resistance bands

- Essential guidelines for speed & agility training
- Deceleration techniques (linear and lateral)
- Linear and lateral acceleration mechanics
- Hip turns, crossover and footwork
- Phase 4 workouts (maintaining strength & power)
- 4 week speed & agility program

- Guidelines for recovering effectively
- Reducing your risk of injury
- Identifying any muscular imbalances
- Foam rolling & stretches
- Effective exercises for physical and mental recovery
- Phase 5: In-season fitness maintenance

- Calculating your BMR and what you need based on your activity
- The 3 main macronutrients and how much you need of each
- Understanding food labels
- Meal timings and when to eat
- Pre & post match meal ideas
- Supplements and staying hydrated

- Spacial awareness
- Peripheral vision
- Reaction time
- Visual acuity
- Fun visual games and exercises
- 10 tips for better vision on the field

- Marking, presses and formations
- Set pieces and general play
- Attacking & defensive short corner strategies
- Assessing your tactical game and identifying strengths & weaknesses
- Video analysis of a game
- Situational awareness using an image quiz

- Passing Skills (hit, slap, overhead, tomahawk, slider)
- Goal Scoring (upright reverse, bunt, deflections, flick, right foot hit, squeeze)
- Dribbling & Elimination Skills (V drag, rollout, pop, 3D skills, using deception & your body)
- Leading & Receiving (types of leads, creating space, first touch, etc)
- Tackling (jab, block, channelling, reverse, shave tackle, etc)
- Master The Drag Flick with Australian Player Blake Govers
How does the Mentorship Program work?
The Program Includes:
- Lifetime access to 12 video training modules (a system you can use for life)
- 12 x weekly 1 on 1 private coaching sessions (for personalisation & accountability)
- UNLIMITED access to Lauren for any questions (No more confusion or doubts)
- Personalised video analysis (optional)
- An individualised & structured 12 month plan for your season (to work smarter)
- Exclusive access to VIP Private Members Only Group (connect with like other minded people)
- Your own HPA t-shirt
Video Demo of Member's Area
Here Are Just A Few More Testimonials
Since joining I have improved my overall mental toughness which was the weakest part of my game. It was so inspiring talking to someone who has been there and done it themselves.
The mentorship gave me so much confidence which has allowed me to play better and my game has improved massively. I would recommend this to anyone looking to improve their game.
Jordan Homann 13 years, now England u16 Player
What a fantastic program! I have really learnt a lot particularly on the mental side of the game. I am now a far more confident player which enables my skills to show through.
The periodised fitness program has been a god send as for me as it means I have more structure and know exactly what I need to do. The nutrition module was also useful and the guided visualisation audio downloads are amazing!
Overall I have more confidence on the ball, am better at pre scanning and my first touch and trapping has also improved. I’ve also improved my vision, mental toughness, speed and agility. For me as an older player this whole experience has been amazing and knowing that I am doing things right and seeing myself progress at my age and become a better player for my country is what it’s all about.
Rachel Collier Welsh International Masters Player
I was so nervous to join because my confidence was so bad and I didn’t think anyone could help me. However Lauren made me realise that I did have the potential to achieve my goals and have since managed to make it through various selections.
If Lauren hadn’t helped me I absolutely 100% would not be playing to the standard that I am now. I used to be afraid of taking on challenges and would hide away but Lauren pulled me out of my comfort zone and I’ve achieved things I didn’t even think possible.
Not only has my game changed immensely but I also have a more positive outlook on life in general too.
Lauren Piper 16 years
I had struggled with my mental approach for quite a number of years, despite credit and positive comments that I get from people. Everything that a hockey player could ask for is included in the course and covers all aspects of improving your game as well as things off the field like fitness and nutrition.
This program is something that can help anyone of any standard or any age to improve themselves in sport and life.
Andrea Leader 18 years, South Africa
I started the course half way through a hockey season in which I started poorly and to show how effective this product is I can say I’ve accomplished my target of becoming player of the season within my team.
Without Lauren I’m positive that this wouldn’t have been achievable and I’m overjoyed with what I’ve experienced through participating in the programme.
Jamie MacDonald Senior Club Player
Save time
The program only requires 1-2 hours of your time per week so it won't get in the way of your busy lifestyle. You will learn how to train smarter and be most effective with your time!

Get results
Follow a proven system that works for players of any age (12-60 years) and any level (beginner to elite). Everything is personalised to suit you and all you have to do is to take action on a proven system!
Q: How does the mentorship program work?
A: Once you applied for mentorship by completing the form below, you will need to speak to Lauren so she can understand where you are and how she can help you. Once you have been accepted you will be enrolled and given access to the online interactive video training. You will get access to one module per week and will follow with a weekly call with Lauren. You will also have unlimited access to Lauren who will mentor you personally with anything you need help with or if you have any questions. It is also great for accountability and getting you to take action on the things you learn. Information doesn't change people, application does!
Q: How long will I be able to access the online video training?
A: You will have access to the online video training forever, even after the personal mentorship with Lauren finishes you can re-visit and access the video training at anytime which you can use as an ongoing resource throughout every season.
Q: How much time do I need to commit to the program?
A: We understand that you are probably very busy with a lot of other things going on so we have made sure that this will not get in the way of school/studies or work. We only ask for 1-2 hour per week of your time. It is about working smarter not harder!
Q: Are there any requirements?
A: The only requirement is that you are willing to take action on things that are discussed so that you can achieve your desired outcome. Lauren wants to work with those that are keen to learn, willing to take on feedback and do what it takes to achieve your goals.
Q: How much does the program cost?
A: This is something that will be discussed on the initial call if Lauren feels that the program is right for you and you can benefit from it.
Q: Does it matter what position I play?
A: No, absolutely not. Any position including goalkeepers can apply.
Q: Is there an age limitation?
A: No. Although most of her clients are teenagers, Lauren has worked with and helped players from 7 years old and up to the age of 55 years.
Q: Can I just do one part of the training (i.e. mental or fitness)?
A: It depends, this is something you will need to speak to Lauren about on the initial free consultation call.
Q: How do I get started on the mentorship program?
A: Simply start by completing the form on the bottom of this page then keep checking your emails (incl junkmail) for your invite to a free consultation. Once you get the invite, reply back to arrange a suitable time for an initial call. The purpose of the call is to get an understanding of where you are at and what you need help with. Due to popular demand Lauren only works with those that are serious about improving as a player so be sure to include as much information as possible on the application form.
Picture This For A Minute
In 12 weeks from now; You finally take your game to the next level, finally become someone your friends and family are proud of, you finally become the toast of every coach, and exude confidence like never before because you secured your access to Hockey Performance Academy Training Course.
The Big Question now is: will you be part of an exclusive group that will get access to Hockey Performance Academy training system?
Here's To Your Taking Your Game To The Next Level
Registration Is Closing
In order to join the program I would first like to have a chat with you. This is to be sure that the program is right for you and that I can help you. All you need to do is complete the form below detailing as much as possible and we will be in touch with you to book a suitable time for a call.
Please note:
- Calls are done via skype or facetime (if you don't have either, skype is free to setup onto any computer or smart phone)
- Under 21 year olds will also need at least one parent/guardian present on the call
- Calls are typically 30-60 mins