ALMOST DONE! The info I promised will be emailed to you in the next 10-15 minutes. Once you get the email, you will need to click the link to confirm your email which will take you to the free info.

While you wait for “The Free Secrets” to arrive, I want to give you a way of getting ahead of others…

Here is Why 90% of What You Need to Get Your Game to the Next Level Starts In Your Head

Former South African International Hockey Player and Top Performance Coach Reveals Her Simple Mental Tactics That Have Helped Hundreds of Young Hockey Players Boost Their Confidence, Take Their Mental Toughness To The Next Level and Improve Their Overall Game

From: Lauren Penny

Re: The first step to becoming a top player

Hey there, I'm Lauren.

Do you ever find yourself wishing someone would actually help you become a better hockey player?

Do you wish someone will just help you believe more in yourself; someone who actually believes in your potential and finally helps you overcome feelings of frustration, pressure and anxiety?

Have you ever wondered why everyone you know gets selected and you are totally ignored?

I Totally Understand

It’s not your fault, you’ve probably heard a million differing opinions and received a ton of “free advice” (which is usually worth about what you pay for it), that just adds to the confusion about what truly works and gets you to become the top player you always dreamed of

But up to now, you haven't been able to experience the kind of blistering form that will make you the envy of your friends

Now that’s about to change...

How am I sure about that?

This is what I do, and I'm so sure that what I am about to share with you will finally help you become the player you dream to become.

The Same Thing I Share Here Is Exactly What I Have Used To Help Hundreds Of Young Hockey Players Get To The Top Of Their Game

In fact most of these young talents almost don’t believe how fast their game improves.

Below is some feedback.

This course is game changing! Since I joined I've continued to improve as a player every week. It has really given me the confidence that I needed and deserved.

- Paul Wilson, England

The key thing that I have learn't the importance of a good mental state. The main reason I have improved so much is because I have control over my mental game and now I'm mentally stronger and know how to overcome obstacles when they hit me.

- Matthew Taylor, Australia

That could also be you sending me those heartwarming feedback in a couple of days from now when you discover what I am about to share with you

First Things First.

I Need You To Understand This

The first thing you need to do to become the toast on everyone’s lips is  to clear all the self doubt, limiting beliefs, overcome feelings of frustration, pressure and anxiety.

I'm sure you are wondering. . . Lauren how do you know this?

I have been working with hockey players for over 10 years and I had tried almost every technique I know and rarely got the result I wanted until I discovered that. . . It’s all in the head

Once I can help you clear the limiting beliefs, self doubt and work on your mental toughness with my simple mental trick every other thing becomes easy as wearing your hockey boots.

Here's How I Plan To Help You Also

After many years of working with young hockey players and turning them into the top players every team wants to have on their side…

I finally came up with a simple working mental toughness training that helps anyone get to the next level in their game and also become a top player simply by following my easy step by step video training.

Access Video Training Now

Here's Just a LITTLE of what you'll Discover...

  • I will reveal to you the very first step to taking your game to the next level
  • Exact method I discovered that will help you believe in yourself even when others don't
  • Simple mental tactic that boost your confidence by 370%
  • A powerful technique to become a great hockey player
  • Important advice from Olympic Hockey medalists to reach the next level
  • One dead easy trick that will separate you from the rest
  • How to get motivated and more focussed
  • What you must do if you want to reach your potential
  • One secret that I learnt from my former coach that gives you unstoppable confidence... knowing this alone will take your game to a whole new height you never thought possible
  • Dealing with consistency... Only Top Performance hockey coaches know this secret and guard it with their heart but I am going to hand it over to you on a platter of gold in mental toughness training
  • One simple mind trick that reveals exactly what the coach or selector looks for in players
  • And lots more . . .

I Can't Take All The Credit For This System...

In effort to create the best mental toughness video training, I consulted some top hockey players who I happen to have played with or against to contribute to this training to make it the best gift you can possibly give yourself to get your game to the next level.

It is truly, the best of the best there is, and the video training is simple and FAST to learn so you can implement this information immediately and start seeing result in your performance.

Can you imagine how fast it will be to start playing at the highest level following a proven system jointly created by Top Hockey players like myself and a host of others?

This is like getting all of us in a room and asking us the secret of our success.

Picture This For A Second

  • You finally do not have self doubt
  • No more limiting beliefs
  • No more worrying about making mistakes
  • Other hockey players now look up to you to always be the game winner
  • You become the first to be selected and guaranteed a starting place on the field
  • And lots more

Here is the Real Proof The Hockey Performance Academy Mental Toughness Video Training Works...

After using this program for a number of months now I can say with confidence that Hockey Performance Academy is the best training aid for hockey on the market. The course has allowed me to take my game to levels that I wouldn't otherwise have been able to achieve. My performance on and off the pitch has improved drastically. Lauren prepares you a lot with the mental aspect of the game and I'd accredit the majority of my improvement down to this fact.

Jamie MacDonald, 19 years old

I started the course half way through a hockey season in which I started poorly and to show how effective this product is I can say I've accomplished my target of becoming player of the season within my team. Without Lauren I'm positive that this wouldn't have been achievable and I'm overjoyed with what I've experienced through participating in the programme.

Sean Murphy , 14 years old

I had been struggling with my mental approach for quite a number of years, despite some of the credit and positive comments I get from people, I seemed to not soak it in. After joining the program and watching the video's, I have really been making progress with myself. Recently I have been trying to turn every negative into a positive and putting things into practice to build my confidence levels.

Andrea Leader, 17 years old

The biggest change in my game has definitely been mental. The reason I got through so many stages in district trials was because I learn't how to get into the right state before I stepped on the pitch and how to control my emotions and keep myself focussed and motivated. For me now, the most important thing is to believe in myself and my ability, something that I never did before.

Vicky Hydes, 16 years old

How Much Do You Think You'll Have To Pay To Get These Mental Toughness Video's

Because I want you to help you get started immediately on the journey to become a top player and get your game to the next level.

Even though this has cost me and my other professional colleagues over 120 hours to put together, I am letting you have a part of the Hockey Performance Academy Mental Toughness Video Training for only


Nope, since I'm doing this to help you, I won’t be charging that much.

My goal is to help you become the player you have always wanted to be and take your game to the next level 

So I think if I tell you to invest only


I think that will be very fair considering all the effort I and other top hockey players all put into this..

But I won’t, because I want you to get started immediately without having any reason to leave this page without grabbing a copy

In fact I'm letting have a section of the training for just a token of just


Yep, Just $17

Literally, you can have a new item of clothing or get a copy of your favorite artist’s new CD or you can:

Finally take your game to the next level

Become the first option on your coach’s month when it comes to team selection

Become the popular star player everyone wants to be friends with.

The choice is yours…

Click the “Add To Cart” button and start the journey to become the top player you have always dreamed of…

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Why $17?

If you’re thinking “$17 is cheap…what’s the catch?” then here are three reasons that should put your mind at ease:

  1. $17 puts this video training within the reach of everyone…from teenagers to younger hockey players. (And at $17, you shouldn’t have to get approval)
  2. It weeds out time wasters. We only want young players who are serious about taking their game to the next level and are ready take action, and in our experience charging anything…even if it’s just $1…gets rid of 99% of the chuckle-heads.
  3. I want to give you a chance to grab the mental toughness immediately without the need to leave this page.

I honestly also believe that once you go through this video training, you’ll want more and maybe…just maybe…you’ll come back, get more and possible even upgrade to the Hockey Performance Academy where you get access to our complete Video Training Library.

But that’s it…

No fine print…no “hidden trials”…no shenanigans. Just the information you need and the results you want.

Is there a guarantee?

Yep…all our video training programs have a 60-day, no-questions-asked guarantee.

In other words, if you aren’t happy for any reason, just let us know and we’ll give you your money back. We obviously don’t think it’ll come to that, but if you’re even the least bit worried if this will work for you, then put your mind at ease. You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!

How long will it take to get access to this guide?


Your access information will be sent to the email address you provide, where you will be able to access the Mental Toughness Video training.

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