How To Improve Your Hockey, Get Noticed And Take Your Game To The Next Level (In Just 1 Hour Per Week)
Finally A Proven Step-By-Step System For Hockey That Includes Everything You Need To:
So That You Perform Consistently & Get Selected Into Higher Hockey Teams

I was so nervous to join because my confidence was so bad and I didn’t think anyone could help me. However since doing the program I’ve made it through various selections.
If I didn’t do this program, I absolutely 100% would not be playing to the standard that I am now.
Not only has my game changed immensely but I also have a more positive outlook on life in general too.
Lauren Piper Now an English Premier League Player
Do You Ever:
- Feel like you get overlooked, even though you work harder than others?
- Compare yourself to others, question if you're good enough or worry about letting the team down?
- Pass when you should have gone yourself or make poor decisions especially under pressure?
- Get frustrated with umpires, team mates or beat yourself up when you make mistakes?
- Play well in some games but then hide away or underperform in trials or bigger games?
- Feel like you're not hockey fit or struggle with injury niggles?
Want To Take Your Hockey To The Next Level But You're Not Sure What To Do Or Where To Start?
I know exactly what it's like when you want something so much but you're not sure if you've got what it takes or you feel like you're overlooked and you're not sure what to do to get a step ahead.
Because what got you to this point, will NOT get you to the next level.
That's why it's easy to feel like you're stuck and no longer progressing at the rate you could be.
Maybe at times you feel like you're inexperienced or not as skilful as other players and you compare yourself to others leaving you feeling like you're not good enough.
Or perhaps you work harder than most but you feel like the harder you work the more frustrated you get because it doesn't always pay off in the way you want it to.
And when others doubt you, you start to lose confidence.
Understand that without believing in yourself at a deeper level, you will not put in 100% effort and you will hold back because you don't think it'll pay off.
But don't worry, if you're here reading this then the good news is that I can help you.
So, let's start by asking a few questions...
How Would You Like To:
- Feel more confident so that you use your skills in games more often?
- Learn exactly how to prepare for games so you perform more consistently and get noticed?
- Have a structured plan throughout the year showing you exactly what to do to get hockey fit?
- Develop an extra 20-30% speed & agility to eliminate and get past players with ease?
- Improve your vision and spacial awareness so you can make a BIGGER impact in games?
- Develop your tactical understanding so you make better decisions on the field?
Doing this program gave me so much confidence which has allowed me to play better and my game has improved massively. I would recommend this to anyone looking to improve their game.
Jordan Homann 13 years, now England u16 Player
Are You Ready For The Next Level?
First I just want to clarify something...
It doesn't matter how old you are, what level you're at or how much experience you do or don't have. If you feel like you're not progressing at the rate you could be, you want to make a higher team or you want to improve but you're not sure where to start then you're in the right place...
Here's The Truth:
Only working on your skills will NOT get you to the next level...
Having good stick skills is just ONE part of being a good hockey player and there is MUCH more to hockey than that, especially as you step up to a higher level.
Most players focus on improving their skills, but that's not what you need to reach a higher level.
Trust me I've been down this road myself before so I've had to learn these lessons the hard way!
While most players and coaches only focus on developing their physical skill, I focus on mindset first. When you do this you'll have a more ambitious goal, a more effective plan and a better strategy to reach your goals.
So, first, you need a goal to aim for.
Then you need a plan.
But, not just any old plan because hard work doesn't guarantee success.
You need to learn to work smart.
That's why you need an effective plan that will give you the best chance of reaching your goals.
But most coaches will only help you with one (maybe two) of the four core pillars. That's physical skill and possibly the tactics of the team (but not you as an individual).
So, how do you develop an effective plan?
The easiest way is to learn from someone who has done it themselves and ALSO has results helping others too (someone like myself for example).
That's why I'm here to help you, because I know how frustrating and time consuming it can be trying to figure it ALL out on your own.
Besides, how do you know what you need to do if you've never achieved it before?
A wise person learns from their mistakes but a genius learns from other peoples mistakes.
Don't make the same mistakes that I made (and mistakes that many others make).
I'm here to help and guide you to accelerate your improvement and focus on what will get you the BEST results in the shortest time possible.
To demonstrate the principles I teach, I'll use what I call the 5 Phase Pyramid for results...

There are many pieces that fit together within the 4 core pillars that make a great hockey player.
If you're only focussing on ONE of these area's, then you are missing out on at least 75% improvement as a hockey player!
Each of these phases depend upon each other, with the foundation coming from the way that you think (i.e. your mental game).
For example what's the point in having a great fitness plan if you DON'T do it or if you're not pushing yourself 100%? That's why you need to focus on mindset first!
Now, you may be wondering...
Why Do I Need To Train My Mental Game?
Here Are Just 10 Reasons...
- When you believe in yourself you'll set more ambitious goals
- With ambitious goals that you believe in you'll do what most aren't willing to do
- With more confidence your skills will shine through
- With more composure you'll make better decisions
- You won't allow frustrations (like bad umpiring) to affect your game
- You'll perform your best more consistently (especially when it counts)
- With more focus you'll get more out of training sessions giving you an edge
- You will no longer dwell on past mistakes & setbacks
- You will stop comparing yourself to others and realise why you ARE good enough
- Finally, you'll walk off the field feeling great, smiling after every game
Why Has Nobody Ever Taught You This?
The problem is that most coaches will only help you develop your physical skills, because that's what they are qualified to do.
97% of coaches won't teach you about mindset, such as how to be more confident or how to deal with pressure or how to manage emotions or bounce back from setbacks.
Nor do they teach you about how to strength train for hockey or how to periodize your program over a 12 month period, which should be broken down into 4-6 week phases.
All of these are ESSENTIAL to reaching a higher level, but they can't help you because hockey coaches are NOT trained in psychology or fitness, they're trained to teach you hockey skills!
And the very few rare coaches that can help, often don't have the time!
So it's down to you to learn for yourself.
Now, you may be wondering...
How can you develop these essential areas that are 'missing'?
Well, that's where I can help you.
The good news is: I've put together a program specifically for hockey players which includes everything you need to know about taking your hockey to the next level...
And I give you everything so you have all the pieces and there's no second guessing anything!
You'll be left knowing EXACTLY what to do and more importantly HOW to do it (and why).
The Ultimate Blueprint To Become An Unstoppable Hockey Player

The Hockey Performance Academy provides you with a step-by-step video training program designed to help you reach peak performance so you can finally get noticed.
The program is broken down into 12 modules covering everything you need to take your game to the next level.
It also includes weekly actionable tasks and worksheets to make sure you apply what you learn.
All you need is access to the internet.

Now you may be wondering if this program is suitable for you...
If you are not progressing at the rate you could be, or if you're not getting the rewards for your effort or you want a competitive advantage so you have the best chance of reaching your goals then this program has been designed for you.
In fact, there are typically 3 types of members:

Teenagers (12-19 year olds) aspiring to play for a regional, state or national team

Club players wanting to be more consistent, make a bigger impact or play in a higher team or league

Masters players (35+years) looking to break into or dominate at state or international level
What a fantastic program! I’ve learnt so much particularly on the mental side of the game. I’m now a more confident player which enables my skills to shine through.
I went from a club player to an international Masters player within just 12 months of doing this program!
The periodised fitness program has been a god send for me as it means I have more structure and know exactly what I need to do. The nutrition training is also very useful and the guided visualisation audios are amazing!
Rachel Collier Over 40's International Masters Player
What Will You Learn On The Program?

Modules 1-4
- Interactive Video Training To Master Your Mental Game
- Phase 1: Get Fired Up With Supercharged Motivation & Focus
- Phase 2: Develop Your Mental Toughness
- Phase 3: Build Bulletproof Confidence
- Phase 4: Master Your Emotions To Stay 'In The Zone'
- Turn Your Setbacks Into Comebacks
- Create Positive Expectations With Guided Visualisation Audios

Modules 5-9
- 10 Assessments Used To Measure & Track Your Progress
- 8 Week Progressive Cardio Conditioning Plan
- 12 Weeks Strength & Power Workouts (Phases 1-4)
- 4 Week Speed & Agility Program (Including Technique Training)
- Nutritional Training & Cheatsheets
- Injury Prevention & Recovery Strategies To Look After Your Body

Modules 10-11
- Marking, Presses & Formations
- Set Pieces & General Play
- Fun Exercises To Improve The 7 Visual Elements Needed In Hockey
- 10 Ways To Improve Vision On the Field
- Improve Decision Making With Video Analysis Walking Through Different Game Situations

Module 12
- Elimination Skills (Dribbling, Rollout, 3D Skills, V Drag, Deception, Pop)
- Passing & Goal Shooting (Hit, Slap, Tomahawk, Bunt, Overhead, Reverse Slide, Flick, Deflections, Squeeze, Upright Reverse)
- Types of leading to create space
- Receiving skills & first touch
- Tackling Techniques
Here's A Demo Of What The Course Looks Like Inside
- Why talent doesn't guarantee your success
- Getting out of your comfort zone
- Creating your vision
- Mapping it out
- Be inspired
- Do the work!
- Being more resilient
- Unlocking your power brain
- Identifying your role
- Types of mindsets
- Breaking through limiting beliefs
- Finding your deep motivation
- Changing your self talk & body language
- How to believe in yourself
- Using affirmations
- Effective visualisation
- 3 steps to being more confident
- Creating positive expectations using our guided audio
- Dealing with frustration
- Handling nerves, pressure & anxiety
- Getting into the zone
- Staying focussed and managing expectations
- Overcoming mistakes, setbacks & disappointment
- Pre-game guided audio
- Assess to progress
- Mobility & activation exercises
- Effective warmups & warm down stretches
- Monitoring heart rate & intensity
- Pre-season preparation
- Phase 1 strength endurance circuit
- Guidelines for improving strength
- Guidelines for improving power
- Equipment recommendations
- Phase 2 Strength workouts (4 weeks)
- Phase 3 Power workouts (4 weeks)
- Using resistance bands
- Essential guidelines for speed & agility training
- Deceleration techniques
- Linear and lateral acceleration mechanics
- Hip turns, crossover and footwork
- Phase 4 workouts (maintaining strength & power)
- 4 week speed & agility program
- Guidelines for recovering effectively
- Reducing your risk of injury
- Identifying any muscular imbalances
- Foam rolling & stretches
- Effective exercises for physical and mental recovery
- Phase 5: In-season fitness maintenance
- Calculating your BMR and what you need based on your activity
- The 3 main macronutrients and how much you need of each
- Understanding food labels
- Meal timings and when to eat
- Pre & post match meal ideas
- Supplements and staying hydrated
- Spacial awareness
- Peripheral vision
- Reaction time
- Eye tracking
- Visual acuity
- Fun visual games and exercises
- 10 tips for better vision on the field
- Marking, presses and formations
- Set pieces and general play
- Attacking & defensive short corner strategies
- Assessing your tactical game and identifying strengths & weaknesses
- Video analysis of a game
- Situational awareness using an image quiz
- Passing Skills (hit, slap, overhead, tomahawk, slider)
- Goal Scoring (upright reverse, bunt, deflections, flick, squeeze)
- Dribbling & Elimination Skills (V drag, rollout, pop, 3D skills, using deception & your body)
- Leading & Receiving (types of leads, creating space, first touch)
- Tackling (jab, block, channelling, reverse, shave tackle, etc)
But Don't Just Take My Word For It
Here are just a few examples of what others have to say...

I just want to let you know that your program has changed my lifestyle, physically and mentally. It has helped me reset my thinking, given me back my drive and helped me look at my negative moments as not a brick wall but as a challenge that can be resolved through change... and still feel proud of myself and my hard work.
I am 42 now and feel the fittest I have ever been.
Teila Hodge, 42 years old, Australia
I started my season poorly and to show how effective this program was I accomplished my target of becoming the player of the season within my team.
Without doing this program, I’m positive that this wouldn’t have been achievable.
I’m overjoyed with my experience and now have a new confidence in myself, not only on the pitch but also outside of sport in the working world. I can’t recommend learning these skills enough!
Jamie MacDonald Senior Club Player
I had struggled with my mental approach for a number of years, despite credit and positive comments that I got from other people. Doing this program can help anyone of any standard or age to improve themselves in sport and life.
Andrea Leader Senior Player, South Africa
I wanted to thank you for your help with Macy. First, she made the squad for her club championship team and this past weekend she attended the US national team tryouts.
Macy’s confidence and focus were off the charts, I have never seen her play like that. I am so proud of her because she was handing it to college players, it was amazing to watch!
You have helped her in so many ways. Her confidence meter is full and she is unstoppable. She couldn’t have done this without you and what you’ve taught her.
Jennifer Szukics Parent of 11 year old, USA
This program has helped me to play better hockey, my thinking is more positive and I now know exactly how to prepare for games and get into the ideal playing state/zone.
It helped improved my confidence when I needed it most and exactly what I needed as preparation for the Olympic Games.
Bruno Sousa Brazilian Senior National Player
Doing this program has been massively helpful, it’s helped me to improve the mental side of my game. I’m now able to maintain a positive attitude throughout a match, control my emotions and understand how to prepare to get into the right mental state to perform to my true potential.
My game has improved so much and my confidence has soared! This is the answer for anyone who wants to improve their game and take it to the next level.
Ellie Rayer 18 years (now England & GB Senior International)
Do You Want To Be My Next Success Story?
If you're still reading this then I believe in you... because it means you WANT to improve!
Whatever age or level you're at right now doesn't matter. All I expect from you is a desire to improve and to take action on what I teach you every week! If you do that, I can assure that you will have the best chance at reaching your goals too.
That's why I have designed this program in a way that is not just theory but has practical use and includes weekly actionable steps to apply, so that you make progress and get the results that you want.
My promise to you is... You WILL get out of this program whatever you put in!
But you got to take action...
What's Included In The Program?
- Lifetime access to a step by step system with over 12 hours video training (value $2000)
- 6 x bi-weekly LIVE interactive coaching sessions to get your questions get answered (value $594)
- Lifetime access to members only supportive community to interact with likeminded players (value $499)
- Weekly actionable worksheets to make sure you're progressing and applying what you learn (value $588)
- PLUS all the bonuses below

Drag Flick Video Training With Australian Player, Blake Govers
Exclusive video training with Australian player, Blake Govers where he breaks down the exact steps for effective drag flicking to score more goals at corners. This video is only available to HPA members only so you won't find this anywhere else.

Hitting Analysis Skill Video Feedback
My personal feedback via video on another HPA members hitting technique, including the common errors that players make which affects accuracy and that causes the ball to lift.

Performance Profile Assessment Tool
A useful tool that can be used to assess your mental game and identify which areas you need to focus on to improve your performance and stop getting in your own way.

Success Road Map [Your Achievement Plan]
A great tool for planning your success, to gain clarity and focus with specific action based goals and shorter term objectives. You can also use this guide to assess your progress and monitor your results over the next 12 months.

20 Minute High Intensity Bodyweight Sessions
No equipment? Short for time? No problem! You can use these 3 sessions if you don't have any equipment, when you don't have a lot of time or when you're on holiday. A great alternative for busy people which only takes up to 1 hour per week (3 x 20 min sessions).

20 Practice Drills To Practice On Your Own [Complete Guide]
Don't have access to an astro? No-one to train with? No problem! This guide is designed to give you drills you can use to train on your own and you can do them with or without access to a pitch.

Weekly Objective Planner
Want to know exactly what to do on a weekly basis to take a step closer to reaching your goals? This template can be used to plan out your weekly actions, to make sure that you stay focussed and on track with your goals. We even provide an example of what it should look like.
Who Am I And Why Should You Listen To Me?

My name is Lauren Penny, I'm an ex-International Hockey Player turned Performance Coach.
I am one of very few people that have not only reached the top level in hockey but I also help others to reach the next level in their game.
With various coaching qualifications in sports performance from Fitness, Mindset, NLP, Life Coaching, Nutrition and over 10 years experience helping others to improve their performance I specialise in getting people results.
To demonstrate that I know what I'm talking about, here are just a few of the magazines & publications that I've been featured in...

How Can You Be Sure That This Will Work For You?
If you apply what you learn you WILL see results, because this isn't some experimental training program.
This is a system that's been tested and it works. What I teach comes directly from my own experience of playing and reaching the top level myself as well as working with hundreds of hockey players, helping them take their game to the next level too...
Doing this program can be the difference between an average performance and the most valuable player because in this program I'll take you beyond what most people tell you!
I'm offering you the opportunity to gain access to the same information that's produced all the results on this page, working alongside like minded players who'll be supporting you, at the fraction of the price of what I charge for private coaching.
This is your chance to gain international insights at an affordable price...
How much time is required on the program?
You typically need to allow for about 1 hour per week, but you can put in as little or as much time into the training as you want.
Are there any requirements?
The most important thing you need is the desire to improve. To take part in the strength training part of the program, I would suggest either having access to a gym or a set of weights that you can use at home (i.e. dumbbells or kettlebells).
How long will be able to access the program for?
You will get lifetime access to the video training so that you can go back to it whenever you need to.
Who is this program for?
This program is for any hockey player that wants to improve. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what level you play. I’ve worked with players as young as 11 years old and up to 60 years from beginner level to elite.
Does it matter if I'm in my off-season?
No, it doesn’t matter whether you are in your season or in your off-season you can still take part and benefit from the program. We do include guidelines for training throughout the year.
Do I need access to an astroturf to do the program?
No you don’t. You can use any space to do your skills challenges. If you don’t have access to a pitch I recommend using an open space (such as a park or field).
Can I pay in my own currency?
Whatever currency you want to pay in will be automatically converted upon registration. I can only offer one currency and the exchange rate will vary according to when you make payment.
What if I'm injured?
The program covers areas on nutrition, fitness, mindset, vision and tactical training so you can just do whatever you can. I don’t just give you a program but throughout the program I teach you so even if you can’t do some things you will still be able to learn what you need to do when you are fit to train again.
Imagine just 12 weeks from now...
You're feeling more confident, playing to your potential and have become the player nobody believed you could be. You've finally taken your game to the next level to the envy of those people who didn't give you a chance previously, all because you took the leap and went all in by following this program.
Why You Need To Take Action NOW!
I can only take on a limited number of players at a time as I need to be able to support all members in the coaching calls so I can answer everyones questions.
Once enrolment closes we'll be starting on a 12 week journey and the doors will only open again after we finish (typically only three enrolments per year).
But, just a warning... I cannot guarantee that the price will stay the same if you decide not to enrol now.
How The Value of This Program Compares To Other Options
- Lifetime access to a proven step by step video training system (value worth $2000)
- 12 weeks training with a strength & conditioning specialist (value worth $840)
- 6 sessions with a sports psychologist (value worth $900)
- Nutrition advice from a sports nutritionist (value worth $120)
- Vision training with a sports visual specialist (value worth $199)
- Lifetime access to a supportive members community with likeminded players (worth $499)
Total value worth $4558
But you can now get access to all of this for a fraction of the price.
To avoid missing out secure your place at the low price of $497 or just three monthly payments of $199
Just choose the option below to get started...
Get Started Today For Just
3 x Monthly Payments of $199 (about £150)
Or $497 Upfront (about £375)
This program is priced in USD. Different currencies will be automatically calculated depending on the exchange rate at the time of registration

Still On The Fence?
If you’re still not sure if this program will work for you then let me take the risk!
I am so confident that you will benefit from this program that if you hop on board to join but you feel like the program is not right for you, then within 30 days, simply let me know and I will refund your money.