Module 12 - Hockey Skills Video Library
Make sure that you scroll right down to the bottom of this module for a library of skills videos. If you are using an ipad or tablet and cannot see the videos, then it may be best to use a computer for this module.
Training Information
Training Information
Training Information
Some skills in action
Practice drills
You can use the speed drills covered in module 7 but this time add stick and ball focussing on:
- Dribbling
- Good vision (looking up)
- Use skills (lifts & dummies)
- Add deception
- Change of pace
- Good footwork
Here are some of the speed drills just to remind you:

Here are a few more idea's for drills. You can use your imagination and make it as game like as possible.
W drill (45 degree turns using change of pace)

Using the same cones, this time follow from A-E adding a deceptive body movement or lift before changing direction

Lifts over cones moving forwards or sideways (or try other elimination skills)

Shooting drill (running to base line each hit; focus on footwork)

Pitch drills using elimination, footwork & change of pace

- Technical Skills Self-Assessment
Download and complete this form and self-assess the skills which relate to your position.
- Week 12 Action Steps (word document)
Download and complete this document as part of your weekly action steps
- Download and complete the skills self-assessment document
- Make a note of the 5 skills you use most in games & rate your current ability of each out of 10
- Watch the video's, make a note of any observations and the important principles of those 5 skills
- Choose a skill or drill that you want to improve and focus on this week (i.e. reverse hit, first touch, etc)
- Practice that skill a total of 100 times this week & count how many times you perform that skill well out of 100. (Repeat again next week, trying to improve your overall % out of 100).
- Submit a video of yourself to me demonstrating at least one skill (or 2-5 mins of game footage)
- Re-assess yourself with the fitness assessments in module 5
- Watch the “observation video” below and write down your thoughts and the times on the video for:
a. 3 things or skills that you think are done really well and that apply to your game (relative to your position) b. 3 things that could have been done better and how
- Spend 10-15 mins this week visualising yourself doing 3 different skills really well
- Complete the feedback & reflection form below
Observation video (part of action points)
Feedback & reflection form
Other video's which you may find useful
Receiving skills
3D Skills
Reverse stick hitting
Throwing an Overhead with Blackstick Shea McAleese
Reverse passing
Leading & Goal scoring
Short Corner skills
Pushing out
Alex Jones breaks down the components of drag flicking (Part 1)
Alex Jones breaks down the components of drag flicking (Part 2)
DRAG FLICKING by Austin Smith (International Player)