Module 4 - Master Your Emotions
There is a lot of information in these videos so feel free to revisit and re-watch as and when the time is right. You may find you pick up different things each time you re-watch, so make sure you have your note book handy.
Training Information
Video 1 of 4
This video is about being focussed and dealing with frustration
Training Information
Video 2 of 4
In this video you will learn how to handle difficult emotions such as fear, pressure, anger and anxiety/nerves so that it doesn’t affect your performance
Training Information
Video 3 of 4
In this video you will learn how to prepare for success and ways to get into the zone
Training Information
Video 4 of 4
In this video we discuss how to overcome high expectations and how to overcome setbacks.
- Pre-Match Guided Visualisation (Audio)
An audio pre-match guided visualisation which can be used before games to get you focussed and prepare you for your optimum performance. A great way to help you get into the zone. I recommend you use it at least 1-3 x per week but as often as you can to get your unconscious mind thinking these positive things naturally.
- 7 Steps To Dealing with Difficult Emotions & 1 Minute Time-Outs (GUIDE)
Download and review this document and use it to work through any difficult emotions that you sometimes feel (such as frustration, pressure, fear, anger, etc).
Download and complete the Week 4 action step worksheet. You can either download to your computer and type in your answers or print and write your answers.