Discover How You Can Get Fitter For Hockey, Be More Confident, Develop Your Skills And Improve Decision Making & Consistency To Elevate Your Game & Get Selected Into Higher Teams, In Just 12 Weeks!

Former International Player & Performance Coach reveals a "game changing" proven step-by-step system that delivers results consistently in just 1-2 hours per week

Registration Opens: 30th January 2017


Do You:

  • Ever worry that you're not good enough or lack confidence in your ability?
  • Wish you had a plan and knew exactly what to do to stay hockey fit?
  • Want to develop 20-30% extra speed & agility to get past more players?
  • Want to know exactly how to prepare and bring your best performance more consistently?
  • Ever get frustrated when you make mistakes, with bad umpiring or what others do or say?
  • Want to improve your vision & decision making so you make a bigger impact in games or score more goals?

Are you ready to take your hockey to the next level?

If you want to make a higher team, you feel like you're no longer progressing at the rate you wish to or if you're not sure what to do to improve or where to start then this program is perfect for you...

What's Included In The Transformation Program?

  • 12 Week Strength & Conditioning Fitness Program (For Hockey Players)
  • Weekly Progressive Cardio Plans (Weeks 1-8)
  • 4 Week Speed & Agility Plan (Weeks 9-12)
  • Weekly Skill Mastery
  • Weekly Mindset Training Videos
  • Monthly Guided Visualisation Audios
  • Weekly Nutrition Training & Tips
  • Weekly Visual Exercises To Improve Your Vision On The Field
  • Weekly Tactical Training To Improve Your Decision Making
  • Access To Members Only Group To Interact With Other Like Minded Players
  • Your Questions Answered By Ex-International Player & Performance Coach, Lauren Penny

What You Will Learn Over The 12 Weeks?

Week 1

  • 2 x Alternating Strength Workouts Of The Month
  • Weekly Cardio Plan
  • SKILL: Master The Roll-out
  • MINDSET: What Is More Important Than Talent?
  • NUTRITION: Calculating Your BMR & What You Need
  • VISION: Intro To Training Your Eyes
  • TACTICAL: Marking, Presses & Formations
  • Master Your Own Mind Guided Visualisation Audio

Week 2

  • Weekly Cardio Plan
  • SKILL: Master The Tomahawk
  • MINDSET: Getting Out Of Your Comfort Zone & Being Accountable
  • NUTRITION: Understanding Macronutrients
  • VISION: A Fun Game To Work On Your Spacial Awareness
  • TACTICAL: Set Pieces & General Play

Week 3

  • Weekly Cardio Plan
  • SKILL: Master The Jab & Block Tackle
  • MINDSET: Developing Your Mental Toughness
  • NUTRITION: Meal Timings
  • VISION: Developing Peripheral Awareness Exercise
  • TACTICAL: Short Corners & 8 Ways To Have A Presence On The Field

Week 4

  • Weekly Cardio Plan
  • SKILL: Dribbling At Angles
  • MINDSET: How To Use The Power Of The Brain
  • NUTRITION: What To Eat Pre-Game?
  • VISION: Developing Anticipation At The Elite Level
  • TACTICAL: Quiz Testing Your Tactics

Week 5

  • 2 x Alternating Workouts For The Month
  • Weekly Cardio Plan
  • SKILL: Mastering 3D Skills
  • MINDSET: What Kind Of Player Are You?
  • NUTRITION: What To Eat Post Game For Recovery?
  • VISION: Exercise For Developing Hand/Eye Co-Ordination
  • TACTICAL: Image Discussion
  • Increase Your Confidence Guided Visualisation Audio

Week 6

  • Weekly Cardio Plan
  • SKILL: Master Lifted Passes (Overhead & Flick)
  • MINDSET: Motivational Mindsets
  • NUTRITION: 10 Golden Rules
  • VISION: Game To Develop Reaction
  • TACTICAL: Analysis & Discussion Of Game Situation

Week 7

  • Weekly Cardio Plan
  • SKILL: Master The One Touch Pass Or Shot (Deflections & Bunts)
  • MINDSET: Master Your Self Talk & Body Language
  • NUTRITION: 10 Smoothie Recipes
  • VISION: Exercise To Improve Spacial Awareness
  • TACTICAL: Analysis & Discussion Of Game Situation

Week 8

  • Weekly Cardio Plan
  • SKILL: Master The Pop & Squeeze
  • MINDSET: Break Through Limiting Beliefs & Build Confidence
  • NUTRITION: Sample Meal Ideas
  • VISION: Exercise To Improve Depth Perception & Visual Acuity / Focus
  • TACTICAL: Analysis & Discussion Of Game Situation

Week 9

  • 2 x Alternating Workouts For The Month
  • SPEED & AGILITY: Developing Linear Acceleration & Deceleration
  • SKILL: Using Deception To Eliminate
  • MINDSET: 3 Essential Steps To Effective Visualisation
  • NUTRITION: Understanding Food Labels
  • VISION: 10 Tips For Developing Better Vision On The Field
  • TACTICAL: Analysis & Discussion Of Game Situation
  • Get Into The Zone Pre-Game Guided Visualisation Audio

Week 10

  • SPEED & AGILITY: Developing Lateral Deceleration Mechanics
  • SKILL: Master The Slap (Defenders) & Right Foot Hit (Attackers)
  • MINDSET: Managing Your Emotions
  • NUTRITION: What To Include In Your Shopping Basket
  • VISION: Exercise To Improve Hand Eye Co-Ordination & Ball Control
  • TACTICAL: Analysis & Discussion Of Game Situation

Week 11

  • SPEED & AGILITY: Developing Lateral Acceleration & Hip Turn Mechanics
  • SKILL: Using Your Body To Lead & Receive Across Your Body
  • MINDSET: Getting Into The Zone For Ideal Playing State
  • NUTRITION: Which Supplements Are Worth Using?
  • VISION: Exercise To Improve Peripheral Awareness
  • TACTICAL: Video Analysis Observation Exercise

Week 12

  • SPEED & AGILITY: Putting It All Together
  • SKILL: Reverse Slide & Upright Reverse
  • MINDSET: How To Overcome Setbacks & Develop Resiliency
  • RECOVERY: Effective Strategies For Recovery & Injury Prevention
  • VISION: Exercise To Improve Ball Control
  • TACTICAL: Video Analysis

The Results Speak For Themselves

Instead of telling you how I can help you, here is just a few examples of what others have to say...

Will You Be The Next Success Story?

Whatever age or level you're at right now doesn't matter... All I expect from you is a desire to improve and to take action on what I teach you every week!

That is why I have designed this program in a way that is not just theory but has practical use and includes weekly actionable steps to apply. That will ensure that you make progress and get the results that you want.

My promise to you is... You WILL get out of this program whatever you put in!

If you have any questions while on the program, you can just ask me and you can also interact with other members so that everyone benefits, that way we all improve together and are accountable to each other.

Imagine just 12 weeks from now... you're feeling confident, playing to your potential and have become the player nobody believed you could be. You have finally taken your game to the next level to the envy of those people who didn't give you a chance previously, all because you took the leap and went all in by following this program.

Registration Closes: 5th February 2017


Normal Price: $997

For a limited time you can now get access to ALL of this for ONLY

3 Monthly Payments of $199

(or pay upfront & save $100)

Upfront Option

Now Only $497 (Save $100)

Payment Plan Option

3 x Monthly Payments of $199

Who Is Lauren Penny?

Lauren Penny is an ex-International Hockey Player and Performance Coach who is one of very few people that have not only reached the top level but also helps others to get the most out of themselves and reach the next level in their game.

Here are just some of the many magazines & publications she's been featured in...

As a qualified Fitness & Performance Coach (with over 10 years experience) and also a Sports Mental Game Trainer including NLP, Psychology & Life Coaching, Lauren specialises in helping players and coaches with the mental and physical demands of sport.

It is the combination of her knowledge and experience that makes people want to work with her.

How Can You Be Sure This Will Work For You?

If you apply what you learn you WILL get results, because this is not some experimental training program...

This training has been tested time and time again and it works. It comes directly from my own experience of playing and reaching the top level myself as well as working with hundreds of hockey players, helping them take their game to the next level...

The things I teach in this program is the difference between mediocre and the most valuable player stuff.

To show you the value of what you will learn...

If I was to work with you personally over 12 weeks you could expect to pay over $1500, but for a limited time I am offering you the opportunity to gain access to the same information that's produced the results on this page, working alongside like minded players at the fraction of the price I normally charge.

This is your chance to gain international insights at an affordable price.... Will you take it?


  • q-iconHow much time is required on this program?

    You typically need to allow for about 1 hour per week. You can put in as little or as much time into the training as you want.

  • q-iconDoes it matter if I am in my off-season?

    No, whether you are in your season, going into your season or in your off-season you can take part and still benefit from the program.

  • q-iconAre there any requirements?

    The most important thing you need is the desire to improve. If you wish to take part in the strength training part of the program, then I would suggest either having access to a gym or a set of weights that you can use at home (i.e. dumbbells or kettlebells).

  • q-iconDo I need access to an astroturf?

    No you don’t. You can use any space to do your skills challenges. If you don’t have access to a pitch I recommend using an open space (such as a park or field) of about 25m.

  • q-iconWill I be able to access the training after the course?

    Yes, you will get lifetime access to the 12 weeks of video training that you can use and go back to after the program finishes.

  • q-iconCan I pay in my own currency?

    Whatever currency you want to pay in will be automatically converted upon paypal registration. Paypal only allows us to offer one currency and the exchange rate will vary according to when you make payment.

  • q-iconWho is the program for?

    Any hockey player that wants to improve can take part. It doesn’t matter how old you are or what level you play. I’ve worked with players as young as 10 years old and up to 55 years.

  • q-iconWhat if I am injured?

    The transformation program covers areas on nutrition, fitness, mindset, vision and tactical training so you can focus on doing what you can. I don’t just give you a program but I also teach you so even with the fitness topics, you will still be able to learn what you need to do when you are fit to train again.


30 Day Money Back Guarantee


Still not sure?

I am so sure that the training will not only take your game to the level, but will also make you a better person full of confidence that if within 30 days you don’t feel like you’re progressing or benefitting from the program, simply send me an email and I will refund your money.


Why You Need To Take Action Now

I can only take on a limited amount of players at a time as I need to be able to support all members, answer any questions you have and make sure that the server can handle that amount of students at one time.

That is why I am only accepting a maximum of 20 people into the academy. This also ensures I attract those who are serious about reaching the next level.

Once I have 20 people, I will be shutting the door and I am not sure exactly when I will open it again.

Then the next batch will have to pay the full price of $997.

So secure your place today, below...


Normal Price: $997

For a limited time you can now get access to ALL of this for ONLY


(or 3 x Monthly Payments Of $199)

Upfront Option

Now Only $497 (Save $100)

Payment Plan Option

3 x monthly payments of $199