5 Ways To Improve Goal Scoring in Field Hockey
Scoring a goal in hockey is one of the best feelings, especially if you’re a striker or an attacking midfielder. For some it may be the feeling you get inside when the ball hits the backboard, while for others it’s the celebration with team mates and the high fives. So, the question is: How can you…

How To Improve Goal Scoring In Field Hockey
Are you a striker or midfielder wanting to score goals? In this video Lauren shares a few ways on how to improve goal scoring in field hockey: WANT MORE TIPS? Get FREE access to exclusive training for strikers and attacking midfielders on how you can score more goals: The 7 Key Components To Scoring Goals…

Goal Scoring Challenge VS Eva De Goede (5 Ways to Score in Field Hockey)
Last week dutch international hockey player & double Olympic Gold medalist, Eva De Goede, shared her top field hockey defending tips to help you tackle better, plus more… If you missed it, check it out here In the video this week (below), myself and Eva decided to go head to head in a goal scoring…

10 Ways To Score Goals In Field Hockey
This blog post is all about how to score goals in field hockey and the different types of goals you can score. With the variety of goals being scored in hockey these days, it is important to stay up to date with the different goal scoring skills that can be used. Here is a video of some of…

5 Tips To Scoring Goals In Field Hockey
Want to score more goals in field hockey? This VLOG (video blog) is all about scoring goals in field hockey, so watch the video below for my 5 TOP TIPS on how to score goals in hockey and become your team’s goal machine (or you can also read below if you prefer): I am sure you have played a game when your…