HPA Success Story: How Kyme Went From Shadow To International Masters Player
After a two year quest Kyme Rowe from Australia became an International Masters hockey player, despite a number of setbacks she has faced including being named a shadow player (reserve) for two years in a row. Kyme had potential growing up as a teenager but she failed to go further as she didn’t believe in…

3 Essential Things To Take Your Hockey To The Next Level
When field hockey players want to improve their game or reach a higher level the first thing they tend to do is focus on their skills or fitness, but there may be other essential factors you haven’t even thought about that could be more effective for reaching your hockey goals. If you’ve ever tried to…

Try These TWO Field Hockey Skills Challenges
There is nothing like a challenge to get the competitive juices flowing… So, in the video below are two field hockey skills challenges for you to try! The first challenge is a test of hand/eye co-ordination (Flipping the stick) The second challenge is a test of your passing or shooting accuracy (3 tyre) We went…

5 Ways To Improve Goal Scoring in Field Hockey
Scoring a goal in hockey is one of the best feelings, especially if you’re a striker or an attacking midfielder. For some it may be the feeling you get inside when the ball hits the backboard, while for others it’s the celebration with team mates and the high fives. So, the question is: How can you…

The Belgotex Elite Club Challenge
For the second year, my hockey club Western Province Cricket Club (yes we play hockey) were fortunate to be invited to the Belgotex Elite Club Challenge, with all expenses paid. This is a prestigious tournament played at Riverside Hockey Club in Durban every year, showcasing some of the best male and female players in South…

Which Field Hockey Position Is Best For You?
Ever wondered if you’re playing in the right position on the hockey field? Should you be a striker? Midfielder? Or defender? First, you need to identify your strengths and what role you are best at, so watch the video to get my thoughts on each of these. In this video I answer the Q: Which…

Goal Scoring Challenge VS Eva De Goede (5 Ways to Score in Field Hockey)
Last week dutch international hockey player & double Olympic Gold medalist, Eva De Goede, shared her top field hockey defending tips to help you tackle better, plus more… If you missed it, check it out here In the video this week (below), myself and Eva decided to go head to head in a goal scoring…

How To Tackle in Field Hockey With Eva De Goede (2 x Olympic Gold Medalist)
Being a striker myself I have the tendency to focus more on attacking skills, so for a change I decided to bring in one of the best field female hockey players in the world to teach you how to tackle in field hockey. It’s my good friend, the dutch international and triple Olympian Eva De…

3 Field Hockey Drills You Can Do At Home
Want to improve your field hockey skills but don’t have much space or access to an astroturf? That’s why I’ve put together 3 effective field hockey drills to improve agility that can you anywhere with just 5-10m of space. With agility being a large part of hockey, these drills focus on short and sharp movements while…

‘Playing In Front Of A Big Crowd’ With England & Australia Hockey Junior Internationals
During the Junior Hockey World Cup we’ve been doing a few interviews with some of the key players to find out what it takes to make that level… The last two interviews we did were with German internationals: What Separates Good Players That Miss Out From Players That Make It How To Reach The Next Level…