Many hockey players dream of playing at a World Cup or the Olympics, but only a few make it…
What is it that separates good players who have potential but miss out and are overlooked from the players that make it?
As an outsider it may seem that it’s skill or ability but in most cases, that is NOT the main factor. And certainly not the only thing coaches look at.
From my own experience both as a player and also as a coach, it is definitely mental strength.
While I think you do need a good level of skill and ability as a hockey player and a pure love for their game, what separates the small percentage is what happens between the ears.
The reason I say this is because I strongly believe:
“The more you want something, the more likely you are to get in your own way”
That is why I mental strength in field hockey is vital, especially for those players wanting to reach the next level. It’s something most players don’t think even about, but it’s probably also the biggest thing stopping them from reaching their goals.
In the video interview below, Junior World Cup Player from Germany, Lara Birkner reveals:
- Why the mental part of the game is the most important for winning games
- What she does to make sure she’s prepared for games
- The biggest challenge of playing in the Junior World Cup
- Her advice to reach the next level even if it doesn’t go to plan

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