Tips For Playing Field Hockey In The Heat
Have you ever struggled to play hockey when it’s really hot? This week’s question is: “How do I play field hockey in the heat?” In this video I’m going to share a few tips that will help you on those hot days… WANT FREE HOCKEY TIPS? Signup below to watch the free training called the…

How Cameron Became More Confident in Field Hockey
It seemed like just yesterday when I first came into contact with Cameron, a 15 year old from England. He was motivated but he felt a bit stuck with what to do to improve his game. At times he doubted himself which was a symptom of not knowing what to focus on. That’s when he…

How To Prepare For Field Hockey Trials
Trials can be pretty daunting for some because we tend to put so much pressure on ourselves to perform. Often we focus so much on the outcome of getting selected that we forget about the process. There are some great players that underperform in trials because they allow their nerves to get the better of…

The Best Field Hockey Skills To Beat A Player
Have you ever wondered how to beat a player in field hockey? In the video below Lauren shares some of the best field hockey skills to beat a player…

4 Steps To Being More Resilient In Field Hockey
How do you react when you make a mistake or have a bad game? What about if you get dropped or face some kind of setback such as injury? One of the key traits of a great hockey player, especially at the higher levels, is the ability to keep fighting despite any setbacks you face.…

5 Ways To Improve Off The Hockey Field
Want to know how to improve in field hockey when you don’t have access to a pitch? In the video below Performance Coach & former international hockey player Lauren Penny shares 5 things you can do off the field to improve your hockey performance. 5 Ways To Improve Off The Hockey Field

How To Get Noticed In Field Hockey
Want to know what coaches and selectors look for when selecting a team? Not sure how to get noticed in field hockey? In the video below I answer this common question. (Clue: It’s not just about skills) WANT TO LEARN MORE? Sign up below for our FREE TRAINING: 8 Steps To Reach The Next Level…

3 Reasons Why You’re Not Performing in Field Hockey
Most hockey players tend to focus their time on the physical part of the game such as their skills and fitness, but what if I told you that you are missing out on something else that not many coaches talk about? In this video I’m going to reveal 3 Reasons why you aren’t performing at…

How To Tackle in Field Hockey With Eva De Goede (2 x Olympic Gold Medalist)
Being a striker myself I have the tendency to focus more on attacking skills, so for a change I decided to bring in one of the best field female hockey players in the world to teach you how to tackle in field hockey. It’s my good friend, the dutch international and triple Olympian Eva De…

How To Be Confident in Field Hockey
One of the most common questions I get from hockey players is “How can I be more confident?” This is an important question because you could have all the skills in the world but if you’re not confident when you walk onto the pitch then half the battle has already been lost. Watch the video…