Field Hockey Defense Tips
There is so much emphasis on attacking skills in hockey, but not that much on field hockey defensive skills. In the video below we take you through some field hockey defense tips that will help you improve your tackling to win more ball. We talk about the right body position, how to approach the attacker…

Try These TWO Field Hockey Skills Challenges
There is nothing like a challenge to get the competitive juices flowing… So, in the video below are two field hockey skills challenges for you to try! The first challenge is a test of hand/eye co-ordination (Flipping the stick) The second challenge is a test of your passing or shooting accuracy (3 tyre) We went…

Tips For Playing Field Hockey In The Heat
Have you ever struggled to play hockey when it’s really hot? This week’s question is: “How do I play field hockey in the heat?” In this video I’m going to share a few tips that will help you on those hot days… WANT FREE HOCKEY TIPS? Signup below to watch the free training called the…

5 Ways To Improve Goal Scoring in Field Hockey
Scoring a goal in hockey is one of the best feelings, especially if you’re a striker or an attacking midfielder. For some it may be the feeling you get inside when the ball hits the backboard, while for others it’s the celebration with team mates and the high fives. So, the question is: How can you…

The Belgotex Elite Club Challenge
For the second year, my hockey club Western Province Cricket Club (yes we play hockey) were fortunate to be invited to the Belgotex Elite Club Challenge, with all expenses paid. This is a prestigious tournament played at Riverside Hockey Club in Durban every year, showcasing some of the best male and female players in South…

Which Field Hockey Position Is Best For You?
Ever wondered if you’re playing in the right position on the hockey field? Should you be a striker? Midfielder? Or defender? First, you need to identify your strengths and what role you are best at, so watch the video to get my thoughts on each of these. In this video I answer the Q: Which…

How Cameron Became More Confident in Field Hockey
It seemed like just yesterday when I first came into contact with Cameron, a 15 year old from England. He was motivated but he felt a bit stuck with what to do to improve his game. At times he doubted himself which was a symptom of not knowing what to focus on. That’s when he…

The Blindfolded Drag Flick Crossbar Challenge
Everyone loves a challenge, so today we go up against Hockey Heroes TV from the Netherlands. In the video below we take them on in their Blindfolded Drag Flick Crossbar Challenge, which includes some funny moments. It’s harder than it looks so you should try it too! We also challenge them (and you) to see…

How To Improve Goal Scoring In Field Hockey
Are you a striker or midfielder wanting to score goals? In this video Lauren shares a few ways on how to improve goal scoring in field hockey: WANT MORE TIPS? Get FREE access to exclusive training for strikers and attacking midfielders on how you can score more goals: The 7 Key Components To Scoring Goals…

How To Prepare For Field Hockey Trials
Trials can be pretty daunting for some because we tend to put so much pressure on ourselves to perform. Often we focus so much on the outcome of getting selected that we forget about the process. There are some great players that underperform in trials because they allow their nerves to get the better of…