Field Hockey Motivation: Are You Really Motivated?
Field Hockey Motivation: Are you really motivated? Most of us think that we want to become the best that we can be, whether it’s at hockey or something else in life, but today I want to challenge you… I love what I do and I want to help people so the aim of this post is…

What You Can Learn From Mark Knowles, World Player Of The Year
Want to learn and be inspired from one of the best field hockey players in the world? Go no further… There are not many people who have had the privilege of captaining a world-class Australian Men’s Hockey Team (also known as the Kookaburras), but Mark Knowles is one of them. Mark has not only been part of…

An Inspiring Story Of Boys Field Hockey In USA
Field Hockey In USA I am currently travelling around the USA so I thought this week was the perfect opportunity to cover a positive story on field hockey in USA. In particular, boys hockey in the USA. This week’s post is a guest article from Kathy at Boys Field Hockey Hub. It is about a boy daring to dream of playing field…

How Bruno & His Underdog Hockey Team Qualified For 2016 Rio Olympics
We all love an “underdog” story which leads to success and this one is no different! This has taken some time to put this together so I am so excited to finally share this with you… One of our Hockey Performance Academy members, Bruno Sousa has recently been part of the Brazilian national team who have qualified for the…

How Joyce Sombroek Went From Bench Warmer To The Best Field Hockey Goalkeeper in the World
The dutch field hockey goalkeeper is not only World Champion and Olympic Gold Medalist but she has also won the prestigious individual award of being named the “Best Goalkeeper in The World” in 2014. So, naturally I was thrilled when she agreed to share her experience with hockey players all over the world and provide advice for those striving…

13 Types of Hockey Players – Which One Are You?
In every field hockey team that I have played in there always seems to be similar types of hockey players, no matter what country I am in or what level I am playing at. In this article I attempt to breakdown my observations of the different hockey player personalities. Make sure you let us know in…

20 Motivational Field Hockey Quotes
We all like to be inspired and sometimes motivational field hockey quotes can be just the thing we need, so I have put together a list of my favourite quotes which have helped me and also some which I know have inspired others. Motivational quotes are like baths… it’s only a short term solution so you need to…

5 Reasons You Won’t Get Selected In Field Hockey
Have you ever felt that you have been overlooked or missed out on selection which then affected your confidence? In the video below I share 5 reasons why you won’t get selected in field hockey and what you can do about it (or you can just read below if you prefer). It can be so frustrating…

5 Field Hockey Goalkeeper Tips From England’s #1 (George Pinner)
I have recently had quite a few requests for field hockey goalkeeper tips and although I can help goalie’s with a large part of their game (particularly when it comes to the mental and physical demands), I am no expert goalkeeper so who better to get tips from than England and Great Britain’s number one goalkeeper; George…

Anna Flanagan Australian Hockey Star Reveals Her Secrets To Success
It was very interesting interviewing Hockeyroo Anna Flanagan, one of the best and most popular field hockey players in the world, commonly known as Flanno by her team mates. Two of the key takeaways for me after talking to the Australian Hockey Player comes from some of the things that I am constantly teaching: 1. Setbacks and injury have helped Anna to…